Abstract: This study aims identify the faktors that affect adherence of pregnant women taking iron tablets. The design used was discriptif eksploratif, the samples size 35 sampels taken using accidentalsampling technique. Result study found that the factor of understanding about the importance of pregnant women to consume enough iron 57% adequate ; 26% good and 17% less, terquality faktor int…
Research on factors influencing the oral conditions of community was done in DKI Jakarta n 1997. The objective of the study was to identify factors such as individual characteristics namely: sex, age, education, occupation, family burdens, behavioral condition i.e. smoking behavior, and health facilities i.e. the distance and accessibility of oral and dental health facilities. The design of the…
Pneumonia is an acute infection of the lung, withtack to children under five years old and the incidence is mostly caused by various factors. Aim: was to Mattirobulu Public Health centre in Pinrang regency in 2007. Method: The design of this research was discover the risk factor related to the incidance of pneumonia in children under five years at the Mattiroubulu Public Health centre in Pinran…