Prevalence Abortus of Pregnant Women. Abortion figures in the world is 50 milion of 182-200 million pregnancies, in Indonesia about 2%-2.5% or 2.3 million pregnant women have abortion each year (Widiyastuti et al, 2009; 54). Prevalence of abortion in Lampung province year 2009 amounted to 11. 68% from 19711 pregnant women Incidence of Abortion in the Districtof Central Lampung can not be knowm …
The main goal of study was known the association of upper anm size
Anemia prevalence of pregnant is increasing. Therefore, pregnant mother’s behavior in ferro supply need to improved. Meanwhile, most of pregnant mother have a bad behavior on it. This research is done in order to know about pregnant mother’s behavior in ferro supply. Cross sectional design is used in descriptive research, which take population of pregnant mother in Pos Pratek Poltekkes Depk…