Abstract Objective: To determine the association between periodontal disease on pregnancy and the incidence of preterm labor.Method: This was a cross sectional study. We enrolled sixty subjects, which then divided into two groups. One group comparised of thirty pregnant women preterm delivery and thirty women with preterm pregnancy. Subjects were chosen by consecutive sampling method. The subje…
Background: The construction of overdenture is often applied because endodontic treatment usualy give very promising results and patient has high motivation to maintain their natural teeth. Overdenture is a removable partial or complete den tu re th at covers and rests on one or more remaining natural teeth. roots and/or dental implants. The presence of retained teeth can maximire retention, st…
Background: There are many diagnostic biomarkers have been found in saliva. Saliva contains a wide variety of proteins, including bacteria and products, enzymes, inflammatory mediators and host response modifiers, products of tissue breakdown. Purpose: The purpose of the study was studied current development of diagnostic biomarkers in saliva that will lead to the development of simple and accu…
Accumulation of plaque microorganism is a starting indicator of destructived periodonatal disease. Gingivitis and periodontal diseases are the most oral and dental problem in Indonesia (90%). About 61.5% Indonesia community have tooth brushing habitual not properly (two times a day, after breakfast and before sleeping at night). Plaque can be removed by tooth brushing. It is suggested to do the…