Technicians fail in getting accuracy and dexterity of the cast mental feamework denture in Dental Technic Laboratories. Metal framework was distorted from an early from of wax pattern at night so it is not fixed in position. This is likely due to the nature of wax is so complex compared with other dental materials. This is likely due to the nature of wax is complex compared with other dental ma…
Thousands of toddlers in East Nusa Tenggara, the Eastern part of Indonesia, still suffer from malnutrition. The malnutrition condition retard the toddlers' physical growth, which could be detected on the anthropometry measurement, such as the heigbt, weight, length of the upper body, size of the head, size of the chest and soft tissue, This condition even affect the development of the brain and…
Pandangan serta sikap setiap petugas kesehatan atau orang tua sangat penting untuk memahami tentang arti imunisasi, Kepercayaan dan perilaku kesehatan orang tua merupakan hal yang penting, karena kesehatan anak berkaitan erat dengan perilaku dan kepercayaan ibu dalam mengikuti program imunisasi. Akan tetapi, perdebatan yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini berkisar pada kemungkinan hubungan autisme deng…
The problem in this study is the high rate of 3. 1 OMF- T in which according to Ministry of Health (2002) Indicators of Healthy Indonesia 2010 according to the standard values of OMF-T average each child aged