TI-weighted image sequences Spin Echo is the standard used on Knee MRI examination to determine the anatomy of the Knee. Differences inspection position can produce a difference image. The purpose of this research is to know the difference between the position information gererated Eksorotasi True AP and 15⁰, The design of research is experimental method. Data retrieved from Knee MRI examinat…
Comparative study of MRI 0,5 Tesla result with scalp ECG and evaluation of surgery resul based on Engel classification among patient with mesial temporal selerosis epilepsy. Accurate properative localization of the epileptic is importnt in the intraoperative localization of lesion which ultimately will control the postoperative sizures. To intevigate the association among routine scalp electro…
The gallbladder serves as the repository for bile produced in the However, bile within the gallblader many become supersaturated with cholesterol, leading to crystal precipitation and subsequent gallstone formation. Gallstone is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases in clinical practice. Cormmon bile duct stone may be silent and symptomless; alternatively, the stone can cause acate c…