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A study on the histological structure of Rattus norvegicus kidney infected by Leptospira has been conducted. The purpose of this study was to determine the change of kidney tissue structure of R. norvegicus due to the patogenicity of Leptospira bacteria. The study was done in Miroto, Central Semarang District, Semarang Municipality. Rattus norvegicus was caught with live trap. The blood and…
Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease, which is caused by leptospira. Leptospirosis cases often show no specific clinical symptoms and is difficult to diagnose without testing samples in the laboratory. Testing using PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) is considered more accurate than the other methods. Components required in the examination Leptospira bacteria in human blood samples using PCR method…
Background: Mice and suncus may transmit leptospirosis. Each type mice and suncus had different habitat, among other, types, regions, and altitude. The purpose of this study to analyze the effect of altitude, variety of species, soil type, land use and flood against Leptospira sp infection in mice and sucus. Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted at several locations in April-November 20…
Leptospirosis is one of zoonotic disease that needs serious attention from health practiciant and health programmer. This disease includes in the emerging infectious disease. Reseach from Loka Litbang P2B2 Banjarnegara in 2008 showed Leptospira of strain Patoc I (one of strain that include in non patogenic bacteria) found in 60,4% of 63 human blood sample that positive for Leptospira which Micr…
Leptospirosis merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri Leptospira interrogans, sebuah mikroorganisme berbentuk spiral yang menyerang hewan dan manusia. Sejauh ini, tikus merupakan reservoir (sumber) dan sekaligus penyebar utama penyebab leptospirosis, sedangkan manusia sebagai hospes insidentil. Beberap jenis hewan lain (sapi, kambing , domba, kuda, babi, anjing) dapat terserang …
Leptospirosis is a disease caused by Leptospira and spreads throughout the world especially in the tropical and subtropical countries with high humidity. However, reported number of the cases in human is very low as it is unrecognized by clinicians. Based on serology, there are more than 250 known serovars of Leptospira. This classification is very valuable for clinicians and epidemiologi…