Background. Infant formulain powdered form(powder) is not a sterile product. It is likely to contain pathogenic microorganisms, cause infectioning the infant. E.sakazakii (Cronobacter spp) is one of the pathogens as indicatorof the safety in infant formula. Method. This survey design is cross sectional and purpose of this survey is not to conclude lot a cceptance (safety assurance to a level o…
This study is the analytical research with Cross Sectional approach, aims to know how to bottle-feeding relationship with the incidence of diarrhea in children under 1 year of age at the health center Krian Sidoarjo. As the population is all the mothers who have children aged under 1 year susu congume formula and visit the clinic at the Puskesmas Krian IMCI Sidoarjo. Sampling technique used wa…
Human milk contains higher levels of gangliosides than infant formula. Gangliosides play a role in neuronal growth, migration and maturation, sinaptogenesis, and myelination. Seven of gangliosides (GM1, GM2, GM3, GD3, GD1a, GD1b, and GT1b) are dominant with their own specific functions. Thus, the aim of the study was to know the effects of add on diet gangliosides and to compare the spectrum p…
Karies botol adalah suatu penyakit berupa karies yang sangat hebat pada gigi anak yang sangat muda yang menyerang gigi sulung. Pengetahuan yang kurang dari ibu tentang penyabab karies botol menyebabkan keadaan ini terlambat untuk ditangani. Hasil penelitian Schwartz dkk (1993) menunjukkan anak yang diberi susu botol tidak sampai tertidur hanya 23% yang mengalami karies botol, sedangkan yang dib…