Buku "Public Discourse and Health Policies: The Price of Health in Contemporary Italy" karya Nicoletta Bosco adalah analisis yang mendalam tentang diskursus publik dan kebijakan kesehatan di Italia saat ini. Penulis mengeksplorasi bagaimana perdebatan publik dan persepsi masyarakat tentang kesehatan dan sistem kesehatan di Italia mempengaruhi kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah. Buku …
Disease Surveillance: Technological Contributions to Global Health Security, karya David L. Blazes, adalah buku yang menjelaskan bagaimana teknologi dapat digunakan untuk mendukung keamanan kesehatan global. Buku ini mengeksplorasi berbagai cara teknologi dapat digunakan dalam sistem surveilans penyakit, termasuk pemantauan real-time, analisis data, dan pemodelan. Buku ini juga membahas bagaima…
Approaching global health through a social justice lens, this text explores both established and emerging issues for contemporary health and wellbeing. Divided into two parts, the book introduces key concepts in relation to global public health, such as ethics, economics, health disparities, and globalisation. The second part comprises chapters exploring specific challenges, such as designin…
Globalization is a form of social change, reshaping the socio-spatial milieu in which humans strive, and in which health and disease are managed and controlled. And yet the effects of globalization are distributed unevenly, with opportunities open for some but not for all. Globalization, Health and the Global South is an important textbook for any student of this fascinating area. Examining …