Cholesterol is nutrient substsnce which required by body like other nutrient substance. Cholesterof"normally is produced by body ln amount precisely. But its amount can be high level because fatty food input which consumed. The purpose of the research was to find correlation food pattern and measure waist hip ratio with total cholesterol level at member and public servant parliament in Jayapu…
Masalah gizi lebih mulai terlihat di masyarakat hal ini disebabkan adanya perubahan gaya hidup dan pola makan barat. Cenderung dengan kandungan lemak dan protein tinggi, serta kadar serat rendah yang meningkatkan risiko penyakit degeneratif diantaranya kanker payudara merupakan kanker yang sering dijumpai pada wanita dan menduduki urutan kedua kenker pada wanita di Indonesia. Sallah satu penyeb…
The article explants the possible negative effects of consuming excessive fructose on human health. Frutose is simple sugar found in fruit, vegetable and honey. Fructose content in fruit is very low and human beings generally consume only about 16-20 g frutose per day. Fruit consumed regulary can protect human bosy againts cardiovascular disease, cancer and othher chronic diseases. Fructose is …
Coronary heart Disease (CHD) is the leading cause of disability and mortality in the world, including Indonesia and North Sulawesi Province. There objective of this study is to know the effect of food variety of Minahasa to the risk of CHD. The methodology used in this resarch was case control, with respon dents drawn from the Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou General Hospital, Manado. North Sulawesi Prov…
Toilet training is a colection of efforts to train children of 18 months to 2 years of age to control the cells of nature. The lack of toilet training results in uncontrolled wetting. This investigation was aimed at studying the relationship between mothers ‘ knowledge on toilet training uncontrolled wetting among children of 4-6 years of age. The study took place at the K Batik Kindengarten,…