Kasus gizi buruk dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor antara lain dari sisi masyarakat, 1) kuarangnya perharian oarangtua terhadap anak, 2) lingkungan kumuh, 3) padat penduduk, 4) sanitasi buruk, 5) kurang air bersih dan 6) rawan penyakit. Menurut dr. Subagyo, Sp P, secara umum gizi buruk dapat disebabkan oleh faktor ekonomi dan faktor ekonomi, seperti 1) Kemiskinan, 2) Pola asuh yang tidak b…
The accident frequenly happened to elderly is fall. Many factor that predicted influencing accident besides intrinsic and extrinsic factor also situational factor related to individual and environment. Related to the condition, so factor on the research was aprroach what there were or not attitude toward save themselves in old age. The object of the study were the analyze of the risk attitude t…