Drinking water quality is a sensitive issue, and the public is constantly barraged by contaminant reports now routinely at parts-per-trillion. Protection from microbial disease risks from drinking water must always be predominant; trace chemicals usually fall farther down the scale of possible health risks, but even negligible detections raise public concerns. Drinking Water Quality a…
Air hujan yang jatuh melimpah dibiarkan berlalu, padahal ini merupakan kesempatan emas untuk di panen. Seandainya seluruh masyarakat Indonesia bersedia membiasakan diri dalam pemanfaatan air dan lebih bersemangat dalam memanen air hujan, serta mengolahnya untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari, khususnya air minum keluarga, tentu akan diperoleh keuntungan besar. Meskipun sudah banyak yang memahami bahwa p…
Unequal drinking water access and minimum rural people's of knowledge about clean and healthy behavior (PHBS) had contributed diarrhea and skin diseases prevalence. Therefore, the water service program needs to be adapted to the conditions of each region, supported with complete data. In this regard, this study was conducted aimed to assess the pattern on drinking water management in Indonesia,…