Latar Belaeang. Diabetes mel/itus (DM) mcmput!Jai resiko kematian karena penyakit kardiovaskular dua sampai enam ka/i dibandingpasien tanpa DM. diketahui bahwa injlamasi berperan da/am pathogenesis aterosk/erosis. hs-CRP merupakan salah satu mareer inflamaszjangpaling kllat diballding mareer injlamasi lain. HMG-CoA reduktase inhibitor atau statin memputryai efek bi%giyOltg /uas disamping sebaga…
Background: In previous studies reported that impaired of thyroid function in patients with type) diabetes showed different results. This study aims to know the description of the thyroid hormone function in type 2 diabetes mellitus outpatient. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted from September 2009 - March 2010 in H. Adam Malik General Hospital. The subjects were all outpatients at…