Latar Belaeang. Diabetes mel/itus (DM) mcmput!Jai resiko kematian karena penyakit kardiovaskular dua sampai enam ka/i dibandingpasien tanpa DM. diketahui bahwa injlamasi berperan da/am pathogenesis aterosk/erosis. hs-CRP merupakan salah satu mareer inflamaszjangpaling kllat diballding mareer injlamasi lain. HMG-CoA reduktase inhibitor atau statin memputryai efek bi%giyOltg /uas disamping sebaga…
Both depression and diabetes mellitus have been related to a higher risk of developing coronary heart disease. Inflammation may be important in the pathogenesis of atherothrombosis. There are many heart disease. Inflammation may be important in the pathogenesis of atherothrombosis. There are many markers of inflammation, one of them is high sensitivity-C reactive protein in the diabetic patient…