Background: Exercise increases the need for oxygen to generateATP through oxidative phosphorylation. If the high energy demand during exercise is not balanced by sufficient oxygen supply, hypoxia occurs in skeletal muscle tissue leading to upregulation ofhypoxia inducible factor-1α (RIF-1α). The activity of RIF-1α increases the expression ofvarious genes in order to reduce the metabolic depe…
Background: Cobalt chloride can be used as an agent to stabilize hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) and to imitate hypoxia without low levels of oxygen inside the body. We intended to Investigate if there was any regulation of renin expression by HIF -1α. Therefore, we conducted several studies to elarify this possibility starting with the induction of hypoxic mimicry in rats by intra-per…
Intermittent hypobaric hypoxia often suffered by cabin crew due to the fact that they are breathing lower pressured air inside the plane cabin. Human body will adapt by binding more oxygen and reducing hypoxia effect. Mitochondria function will be irritated by hypoxia which affect, outer mithochondrial membrane permeability due to decrease of Bcl-2 protein. Later on if hypoxia continues mitocho…