Ability to follow and concentrate forms the basis for most functions - cognitive function. One of stimulation that can improve attention (attention) is sensomotor stimulation which is stimulation through general sensory innervation system (touch, taste, motion, vibration, temperature, and pain) and special sensory fibers (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) with the aim to improve entire central adm…
A case of genital herpes with atvpical clinical feature in a 27-year-old man with AIDS was reported. The patient presented with multiple shallow ulcers in the pubic area, peniJe shaft, and 1/3 upper scrotum, with irregular shape, without induration, nor poin. The working diagnosis of nonspecific genital ulcer was made after the differential diagnoses of various etiologies were eliminated throug…
Treatment failure in HIV patient is usually marked by virological failure, immunological failure, and clinical deterioration of the patient. Virological failure preceded other faifures and characterized by no decrease in viral load after 48 weeks of antiretroviral treatment. Immunological failure is characterized by CD4 decreased. Factors contributed to the faifure of ARV treatment are adherenc…
Anti Retroviral Treatment (ART) for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection/ Acquired Immunodefficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a life-long treatment with the goal of the suppression of virus replication to achieve patient improved quality of life. Unfortunafely, number of treatment failures among patient receiving ART is stlll high because of poor adherence. The criteria for good adherence inc…
CD4 count is a marker for initial and follow up antiretroviral therapy (ART) in HIV/AIDS patients. It requires expensive equipment and skill to performed. World Health Organization (WHO) recommends total Iymphocyte count (TLC) as a substitute marker for CfJ4 count to start ART. The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between CD4 count and TLC in baseline and follow up data as a gu…
Over the last decade, lndonesia became one of the fastest growing injecting drug user (IDU) driven Human Immune Defeciency Virus (HIV) epidemics in Asia. Among strategies to prevent and control the HIV epidemic in lndonesia, methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) has been established and could become an entry point for HIV testing and treatment in IDUs. This study explored MMT and HIV treatment …
Reading a very complex process, whit includes the cognitive process, initialized by visual analysis and letter transformation into vocabulary form, word identification by letter sound mapping, correlating words and interpretation. Deafness causes difficulties cause difficulties in acquiring language information via hearing process thus inhibiting a successful conversation process. Hearing aids …