Caries is know as a decase of the teeth shich is caused by an active microorganism on the carbohydrate through the fermentation process. Fluor has an antibacterial characteristic which can block the formation of enzyme which produces by the bacteria than causes the caries. The endurance of the enamel towards the acid attack can be enlarged by the process of combining a small amount of ion fluor…
Breast feeding is good for babies’ healthy growth and development. Breast feeding includes knowledge, attitude and practice in breast milk to babies. Mothers’ at first week post delivery face many problems. Among other things was how to correctly give breast feeding. Brief observation at RSI Siti Hajar hospital discovered that only 33% of post delivery mothers who could perform breast feed…
Banyaknya peluang kerja di bidang kesehatan akan mempengaruhi perawat dalam memilih tempat kerja sesuai dengan ,minatnya. Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa tempat kerja di luar Rumah Sakit mulai diminati oleh perawat. Yang dikhawatirkan dari fenomena ini adlah terjadinya ketidak seimbangan distribusi tenaga dimana salah satu tempat kerja terjadi kepadatan dan disisi lain terjadi kekosongan tenaga. Te…
The increasing prevalence of hpertenson is an important public health problem contributing to significant exces disease and mortality. The risk factors of high blood pressure were obesity, sex diference, aged, and heredity. Some factors had clearly evidence that had relatonship with blood pressure, but other had not clearly, e.g. blood group. To study the relationship between BMI, sex, age, blo…
Patien safety is one of quality dimension that currently becomes the main concen in health care both at national level and world wide scale. Responding to this concern we conduct a study almed to reduce patien risk through management of health equipment, with special attention on operational standard and procedures. This is an operational research. Data collected through qualitative methods usi…