Sebagai daerah tropis Indonesia rentan terhadap penyebaran penyakit DBD, dan Kalimantan selatan merupakan salah satu daerah kejadian luar biasa. Berdasarkan data Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Kal-Sel sehingga Agustus 2009. Banjarbaru merupakan daerah dengan angka kejadian DBD tertinggi dengan total kasussebayak 83 orang. Angka kejadian tertinggi terdapat di wilayah Puskesmas Gt. Payung yakni sebany…
Bali province has a cas fatality rate (CFR)of Dengue Hemoharrgic Fever (DHF) 56.16 per 100,000 populations in 2011. Data of Riskesdas 2010 showed that anti mosquito (household insecticides) was the most widely used by people to prevent vector borne diseases. This study aimed to describ behavior by using household insecticides to prevent DHF endemic area in Denpasar City, Gianyar and Bandung Reg…
Typhus obdominolis is the systemic infectious disease with significant morbidity almost throughout the year. It is a common health problem in developing countries, especially children in Indonesia. The objective of this study is to investigate thr utilization of antibiotics in hospitalized children patient with Typhus abdominalis at RSUD Banyumas during in hospitalized children patient with Typ…
Dengue Haemonhagic Fever (DHF) until today is one of the major public health problem in Indonesia. Vector control Program still seems to be the only actions that powerful enough to reduce the number of cases since no vaccine or antiviral therapy is commercially available. One of the important activities in controlling DHF is a vector surveillance. Sticky trap is one an alternative method that …
The development of DHF patient usually assessed base on clinical condition, platelet count and haematocrit value as the DSS indicators. While leukocyte count is irrespective though leucopenia is common in viral infection. Therefore, further analysis was run to determine whether leucopenia could be as a predictor of DSS This study was a retrospective study with a case control (1:2) design usi…