Natural disaster are part of the natural events that often occur in Indonesia. The impact of the disaster resulting in damage to public infrastucture, environment and loweer the status of public health. Natural disasters also damage the health system in areas affected by disaster. Earthquake in west Sumatra province have an impact on the health status of the community and existing health system…
Prevalence HIV/AIDS among housewife has been increasing which was notice by higher cases of HIV positive babies An effective intervention effort in the health sector is to acccelerate the decreasing of Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) through interrate approach of reproductive health care and STD HIV/AIDS. One of reproductive health services was to prevention and treatment of STD-HIV/AIDS. When t…
Kasus malaria telah membuat puluhan korban meninggal di beberapa daerah yang endemis. Menurut data Departemen Kesehatan, jumlah penderita penyakit malria di Indonesia50 orang per 1.000penduduk. dalam target pembangunan kesehatan, “Indonesia Sehat 1020”, jumlah itu berusaha diturunkan menjadi 1/10-nya. Kabupaten Mandailing Natal mempunyai 8 ecamatan dengan kondisi grografis yang luas terdiri…