Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif, dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Tujuan umum penelitian tersusunnya Strategi pemasaran berdasarkan segmentasi, dan positioning, serta menyusun taktik pemasaran berdasarkan 7 P bauran pemasaran. HAsilnya didapatkan bahwa : 1) segmen pasar di puskesman kenjeran Surabaya adalah masyarakat yang berusia 15-29 th, hampir seluruhnya perempuan, dengan ting…
Anemia is one of the diffilculty on pregnancy which can give bad effect in antenatal, intranatal and postnatal. Deficiency in Fe ammount, give some troubles in fetus growth, such as in body and brain cells. Deficiency in fe ammount until
Pulmonory TB is an Infection of the lung diseases caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and being a health problem for the world. Pulmonary TB is closely related to poverty, malnutrition, slums, housing under the standards, and inadequatenhealth care.The aim of this was to find out the profile of Pulmonary TB patients who get treatment at the Community Health Centre of Sakti in district of Pidi…