Dengue infection with its broad clinical spectrum remains a health problem in Indonesia. An aberrant immune response in plasma leakage of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) caused by increase of monocytes and lymphocytes. The aim of this study was to investigate that monocytosis and lymphocytosis were risk factor of DHF in children. A case control study was conducted at Childe Health DepartmentHasa…
Food pattern and body weight of rat inoculation byprophyromonas gingivalis before and after periodontitis. The rat model of periodontitis induced by Prophyromonas gingivalis (P. Gingivalis) were selected to prove that energy requirement is rising in pretodontitis, as well as the body mass erosion that giving influence to growth. This study aimed to get food consumption pattern and the lowest gr…
Riskesdas 207 showed that 18.4% had been death by stroke; 8.30 by diabetes Mellitus and hipertension; 6.7% by heart. Hipertension is main tingger is main trigger of stroke attacked and is is caused physical. Therefore the resaearch will know a risk physical disability that assosaition with degenratif disease and backgorund characteristic. Sample size are 664. 196 persons. As dependents variable…
Di politeknik Kesehatan Medan, manajemen untuk mengembangkan dosen yang profesional belum optimal. Dosen banyak yang belum dapat melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya secara benar. Pencapaian secara sistematis, penilaian kinerja dosen belum terlaksana secara optimal serta pelatihan dan pengembangan dosen tidak terencana dengan baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif kualitatif y…