A lot of disease’s occurrence has been caused by smoking which exclusively happened to women especially due to their health reproductive. The increasing tobacco’s user among women caused more complexity problems, either on individual’s health problems, infant’s secureness, economic’s and social’s problems, and family’s health problems Word Health Organization had been made the inc…
Smoking plays a role in the development of chronic diseases and causes substantial negative economic con sequences. This study was carried out to estimate the annual cost of smoking-related cardio-cerebrovascular and pulmonary diseases in the population by taking into account the direct cosis associated with such co-morbid conditions in Indonesia. Meta-analysis using the Mix-Programme Software …
Kini Indonesia berada pada awal tahap kedua epidemi tembakau dengan prevalensi perokok pada penduduk berumur di atas 10 tahun mencapai 23,7%. Dalam memerangi epidemi tembakau, dokter memegang peran kunci membantu pasien berhenti merokok. Untuk mengetahui pratik dokter terkait perilaku merokok pasiennya telah dilakukan survei di Jakarta dengan sampel 96 dokter yang dipilih secara acak. Hasil sur…
In most developed countries ± 25% of adults with asthma are current smokers. Asthma and cigarette smoking interact to cause more severe symptoms, accelerated decline in lung function, and impaired shortterm therapeutic response to corticosteroids. One of variable to evaluation response of treatment was length of stay. The aim this study was to know association of smoking and length of stay of …