Background: Iodine Deficiency Disorder (100) reduction program has been implemented since 1976. According to the National Economic Survey 2002, the average consumption of iodized salt was 6. 26 grams. The results of Iodine Salt Survey (SGY) 2003 showed that the consumption of iodine salt at the household level was 73.2%, meanwhile, the baseline health survey (Riskesdas) 2007 showed there was re…
Pregnant women with iodine dejicienct have risk of miscarriages, stillbirth to congenital in newborn in the form of neuro-developmental dis 0 rders, mental and physic. One effort that can be done to detect cas es of Iodine Dejiciency Disorders (IDD) at early stage is to conduct newborn screening for hypothyroidism. In Indonesia, this screening program has not become anational mandatory program.…
IDD would be serious health problem. Behavior in salt iodization was influenced by individual dijJerence and environments. Th is study will examine relationship between individual dijJerence and availability ofiodized salt in the shop with salt iodization behavior in Purworejo. Regency. Observational research with cross sectional. This research in Ngombol Village, Purworejo Regency. Research wa…
Iodine is important element for human growth and development. Lack or excess of this element result human health problems. Naturally, low dietary supply of iodine is primary cause of iodine deficiency, typically in lack iodine environments .. Climate, topography, and material entity of area contribute iodine in environment. Iodine contain ofwater is a reliable indicator of the iodine contain in…