Kesehatan maternal yang tergolong tinggi di Indonesia merupakan indikator kebersihan pembangunan Millenium Development Goals yang terus diupayakan untuk di perbaiki. Penelitian in bertujuan mengetahui hubungan antara karakteristik sosial,demografi,dan ekonomi dengan tingkat kesehatan ibu. penelitian yang menggunakan sumber data sekunder survei demografi kesehatan di jawa barat yang mencakup 86 …
Background: Infant health was an important health indicator because of its relationship with various factors, maternal health, the quality of access to health services, socioeconomic conditions and public health services. Many factors influenced the Infant Mortality Rate but it is difficult to determine dominant factors and less dominant factors. The availability of various facilities or access…
Abstract. Families economic status is the societies stratification or rank by measuring the societiesfamilies demographic condition being related to their monthly-routine expenses. It is in relation to their economic restrictions which mean being unable to buy good quality foodstuff, so that the families members nutrition [ulfillment will also be disturbed. This research aims to know the relati…
Bayi berat lahir Rendah (BBLR) or Low Birth Weight (LBW) wan one of cases that caused the infant’s mortality, and still be a health’s problem in many countries. It been connected with the period ofgestation and maternal’s health, and other factors. This study learned about the risks of infant low level’s weight determined by social, economic, and demography’s factors. This study analy…