The use of household insecticide in continous use in a closed room, allowing its accumulation. Occurrence of this accumulation depends on several factors such as pesticide formulation, route/entrace exposure to pesticides the attitude/behavior of pesticide users. In general insecticide enters the body through inhalation and dermal obsorption. This article describes the information of hosehold i…
Controling dengue hemorrhagic fever vector would be better when the people cound chose their own choice of method such as spraying synthetics insecticide, using abatae as synthetics larvacide, using fish as biological controlled, and using electrical racket as mechanical controller. Besides, using poisonous plant as alternative controlling method was being encouraged. Datura metel is a wild pla…
The global phenomenon of insecticides resistance in Malaria vectos has been recognized as a major problem by stakehoders of communicable Diasese Centre (CDC) progream in developing countries including Indonesia. Resistance is inherited and has proved to be biggest single barrier to successful chemical control of insect vectors. The continuity of along time period insecticide usage can produce m…
Penyakit yang ditularkan oleh serangga seperti demam berdarah Dengue, Filaria, Cikunguya dan sering terjadi letusan di Masyarakat, hal ini perlu dicari cara yang tepat untuk pengendalian vektornya. Tujuan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efikasi/daya bunuh insektisida SUMITHRIN 100 ME (d--phenothrin 100 g/I) aplikasi chermal fogging (pengasapan) dengan perlarut air, terhadap nyamuk Ae…