Background: One of the policies in decreasing of matemal mortality through the Making Pregnancy Safer is antenatal care that is provided by health workers who are competent through the placement midwives in the village. Midwives who are competent in antenatal care that includes knowledge, attitudes and skitls would have a positive impact in changing behavior of pregnant mothers. The changes in …
Obesity and overweight have become a health issue throughout the world, with a dramatic increase in prevalence each year. An obese child is thought to be adorable, but parents are not aware of the health risk it holds. Preventive measures by decreasing the risk factors for obesity are more effective than treating the problem. The aim of this study was to identify the risk factors of obesity in …
Postnatal growth restnction in low birth weight infants is associated with long term adverse neuro-developmental sequel. Meanwhile, infants with excessive weight gain in early weeks of life have a greater likelihood of later obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Identifying factors associated with acceptable growth rate in low birth weight infants is important to prevent this potential…
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diketahuinya rasio prevelensi dan mengidentifikasi persamaan model garis rekresi beberapa predikator terhadap berat bayi lahir. Penelitian merupakan penelitian Analitik observasional dengan desin cross sectional. Sebagai variable bebas adalah umur ibu, umur kehamilan, umur LILA, kenaikan BB selama hamil, kadar hemoglobin trimester III, frekuensi ANC dengan BBL sebag…
Introduction: Management of occupational hazards has been a priority and sharps injuries is a known potential risk to health care workers. With the known risks of potential infections, to the workers as well as the patients, our workers need protection from further danger. Objective: This study looked at the measures taken on managing the affected healthcare workers. Methods: A cross-sectional …
Physical rountine in breath relaxation and mediation that learned by doing yoga can increased and replays the circulation system to oild of the cells body. Breath training that doing in the right way in yoga is really useful to increase the blood circulation and rebuild the circulation to makes hpoxia intrauterine can be decreased. The aim of research is to determine the smoothness in deliverin…
Kecemasan sering terjadi pada ibu bersalin kala I dalam menghadapi proses persalinan. N yeri persalinan menimbulkan stres yang merangsang pelepasan hormon katekolamin dan steroid sehingga terjadi ketegangan otot polos dan vasokontriksi pembuluh darah yang mengakibatkan penurunan sirkulasi uteroplasenta (iskhemia uterus) dan impuls nyeri bertambah banyak. Salah satu upaya untuk ~. ngurangi kece…
Salah satu faktor penyebab rendahnya pelayanan persalinan, tingginya kematian bayi dan kematian ibu adalah menurunnya kemampuan mengakses pelayanan kesehatan terutama kelompok masyarakat kurang mampu atau miskin. Kematian ibu dan kematian bayi dapat dicegah jika pelayanan yang dilakukan oleh bidan memadai. Penanganan terhadap kesehatan ibu dan bayi bagi masyarakat kurang mampu telah dilakukan p…