Although fathers were known supportive in mothers’ breastfeeding practice,they have limited access toward correct information about breastfeedingpractice. Book can be a potential source of information for fathers. This preliminarystudy is aimed at exploring opinion about a book containing informationabout breastfeeding and the role of father from voluntary male andfemale readers as informants…
The development of human resource is a important part of National development, especially increasing the quality of life. The increasing of life quality could be done by Family Planning Program. This is an effori to against the bombnewborn baby and make a distance in pregnancy by at contraception. Amenore Lactation Method or in Indonesian MAL (metode Amenore Laktasi) is one of contraception met…
Latar belakang : GiZi /mmk berkaiftm dengan tinggil!)'tl eematian bqyi dan balita. UNICEF fIIeiaporkan, seba'!)'tlk 30.000 ken/(Itian /Ja)'i di Indonesia dan 10 jll/a keflltlti([ll oflflk balita di dunia pada liap ta/;unlrytl, bisa dicega/; tIIelaili; pell/beri/III Air SUSJI Ib" (A5/) sect/m eksklJlsif. N(III!1(f/, kesadamn ibn un/Ilk 1IIIIIIk memberiean AS! eksklllsif di INdonesia bare sebesar…
Asthama represent the disease which often to be found in child. Asthma occurence incrase almost whole in word, in developed countries and also developing countries including of Indonesia. Asthma is disparity in the form of kronic inflammation of respiratory tract that causing sensitively of trachea and broncheus (broncheus hyperactivity) indiferent to various excitement. ASI is do not doubt tha…
With increasing maternal age hopefully the mother knows more about raising a baby and supervising their growth and development. With normal birth weight and adequate duration of exclusive breast feeding the baby can be expected to have optimal growth and development. The goal of this historical-cohort prospecllve study was to analyze the relation between maternal age, infant birth weight and du…
Abstract: Knowledge Midwives With Initiation Breastfeeding in indenpeadent service Working Area Puskesmas Rajabasa Raya Bandar Lampung. The infant mortality rate (IMR) of 17 infants per 1,000 live births to be one of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDG's) to be achieved until 2015: IMR in Indonesia in 2005 was 20 per 1,000 live births, this figure is higher compared to countries in Sout…