Peralihan usia dari masa kanak-kanak menuju dewasa acapkali membuat seorang remaja mengalami perubahan gaya hidup. Pola konsumsi yang salah (konsumsi karang) dapat memperburuk status gizi remaja. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat konsumsi makanan dengan status gizi pada siswa Sekolah menengah Atas (SMA) di Bandar Lampung Tahun 2009. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adala…
One way to improve the quality of psychomotor skills to medical students is implementation of medical skills. Leaning activities of medical skills in FK uII are communication skill, physical examination and procedural skill. Various actitivities of medical skill are lagely carried out using mannequins and simulated patients (SPs). Objective Sructural Clinic Examination (OSCE) is used to assess …
Problem Based Learning (PBL) has been 'be learning method in wbich students are given problem initiaID•,Jollowed l?J the process cif infor71lation seeking done as student-cm/end activity. By PBL, students knOJvledge retention is expected to be bightr find to applY the knowkdge for ev(liu(/ting and orglmiz.jng patients in clinic as well (IS developing medical science. The data of Graduate Medi…
Development of physical fitness in elementary school (=SD) pupils would be beneficial to enhance teaching and learning activities. Information level of Physical Fitness (PF) and Physical Fitness Component Capability (PFCC) of elementary school pupils as a potential resources and the next generation. about endurance of heart lung and blood vessels, muscle power and strength, flexibility and a ba…
The tenagers were the generation who have a high risk sexual behavior. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influencing factors of a pre-marital sexual behavior. The data is conducted on the adolescence were having status as college students in Pekalongan City, and using the cross sectional approach, to the 362 randomly respondents ranging from 18 to 24 years old, and the data were colle…
Anemia is the major health problem for 26,5 % of the school children and teenagers in Indonesia. It is expected that by giving nutrition education to the anemic school age children, their nutritional knowledge and their diet pattern improve. Their better food intake especially higher iron intake will then increase their hemoglobin levels. The, study was conducted to investi¬gate the effect of …
The high prevalence of iron anemia in adolescent girls, which caused a lack of nutrient intake, the high iron requirement for menstruating and the period of peak growth, can disrupt the body's vitality, powers of concentration and lower academic achievement The objective of this research is to know the relationship between hemoglobin level and study result of the second semester seventh grader.…
This study is a cross sectional analytic design. The purpose of this research is known the relationship of the parenting with the habits of students in completing of academic tasks. Thepopulation is student of Nursing Department of Health Ministry of Health Polytechnic of 5urabaya, while the sample is selected by random sampling, are 70 students. The data be analyze by using statistical tests '…
Marker of stress in human could be seen by increased level of cortisol in the blood. The higher level of stress, the higher cortisol level in the blood. Smoking would accelerate the release of endorphin in the central nervous system which causes a sense of happy and then stress trigger will be reduced. According to Sholeh in 2001, tahajud could reduce the level of cortisol in the human body. Th…