Report from the office of Disease Control and Environmental Sanitation pointed out that thyphoid is one of the major public health issues in Indonesia (MOH, 2006). The report showed that the morbidity rate of thypoid reached 500 per 100.000 of population and mortality rate reached 0.65%. This study is aimed to determine prevalence of typhoid disease in relation to particular determinants in Jav…
Abstrak. Riview terhadap mekanisme nyeri neuropatik ini adalah berdasarkan rcspon yang sangat komplcks terhadap injuri saraf perifer. Terdapat berbagai kemungkinan mekanise yang mendasari terjadinya nyeri neuropatik termasuk keterJibatan saraf pcrifer, medulla spinalis, bahkan otak. Penelitian selanjutnya terhadap mekanisme nyeri neuropatik akan membantu kita dalam mengembangkan obat-obat baru …
Water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) and water lettuce (Limnocharis flava) are well known aquatic weeds, which reported as able to absorpt heavy metals due to their cells structure contains fine fillys as the bio filter in sewage that contain heavy metals. To study the absorption capacity, a test has been conducted in the lab. The plants have been planted in the pails placed in a big pond. Afte…
The determining of Cilastin and Imipenem concentration in the dry injection preparate by spectrophotometry with the use of peak to peak and size of derivative peak spectrum have been conducted in laboratory. The application of both systems were normal absorption spectra, first, second and third spectra. Based on the finding spectra, the wavelength of peak to peak of cilastin and imipenem were d…
On January 2005, an indirect contact method to test the susecptibility of flea in rat was conducted in the plague laboratory Nongkojajar Health Center, Pasuruan regency. This study was aimed to know the sppropriateness of a gadget to test the susceptibility of fleas in rats. The result show that the gadget can be used to examine the susceptibility of fleas on rats toward insecticide. Domestic f…
In Indonesia typhoid fever was still endemic disease and come into question serious health. Number of typhoid fever occurence was known higher in country that was expanding in tropical area as in Indonesia. Typhoid Fever its link with higiene individual and environment sanitation. Child was the most easy suffer from typhoid fever, although the symptom that expereienced lighter child from adult…
To prove that amount of opoptotic trophoblast cells on trophoblast ttissue sample from precelamptic/eclamtic complicated pregnancy, were higher then normal pregnancy. Department of Obstetri and Gynecology General Hospital Dr. Saiful Anwar, and Laboratory of Biomedic Faculty of Brawijaya University Malang. Laboratorycross sectional study, that observe immuno-histochemically, p53 and BCI-2 protei…