To invesgate efficacy of diclofenac compared to placebo in relleving pain on removal of indwelling uretheters. This study was a randomized controlled trial, double blind, comparing diclofenac with placebo in relieving pain on removal of indwelling urethral catheters. Adult male patients with indwelling catheters admitted in surgical warrd of RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta who met the inclusion…
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulations (TENS) is a from elektrosimulasi with 2 pairs of electrades attached to the skin surface . TENS is a non-farmakologik technique which has allergedly hipoalgesik affects by stimulating the production of endogenous endorphins. The research objective: to Analyze the influence of TENs on pain reduction in dysmenorrhea. Benefits expected to help the midw…
Kecemasan sering terjadi pada ibu bersalin kala I dalam menghadapi proses persalinan. N yeri persalinan menimbulkan stres yang merangsang pelepasan hormon katekolamin dan steroid sehingga terjadi ketegangan otot polos dan vasokontriksi pembuluh darah yang mengakibatkan penurunan sirkulasi uteroplasenta (iskhemia uterus) dan impuls nyeri bertambah banyak. Salah satu upaya untuk ~. ngurangi kece…
Seseorang yang mengalami sakit memerlukan waktu tidur lebih banyak dari normal. Namun demikian keadaan sakit menjadikan pasien kurang tidur atau tidak dapat tidur (Tarwoto, 2004). Faktor - faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas dan kuantitas tidur yaitu adanya penyakit serta rasa nyeri, kelelahan, emosi tidak stabil, beberapa jenis obat¬obatan dan penggunaan alkohoL Penelitian ini menggunakan desa…
Low back pain (LBP) is a common problem in adult life, since despite its benign nature it is commonly associated with incapacity, productivity loss due to sick leave, and correspondingly high costs to the individual worker. Psychosocial and lifestyle factors and work-place exposures have been implicated in the onset of symptoms. Heavy physical work, static work postures, frequent bending and tw…
Abstract: Tbe Effect Mobilization on Reducing Paint Res pons for Post Caesarea Sectio in Bandar Lampung Advent Hospitals. Sectio surgery Caesarea, which is an action to remove the baby from the womb of the mother by making incisions in the abdomen and the mother's womb. Caesarea sectio surgery in 2007 at the Advent Hospital (RSA) Bandar Lampung is 107 people or 54.9% of total deliveries, wherea…
Pain is a multidimensional sensory experience that is notpleasant, complex health problems, and one of the main reasons for someone to come to seek medical help. Pain, physically and emotionally q,re in the same neurobiological pathway, so it is necessary for chronic pain management therapy that is integrated. Logoterapi expected to influence the factors that can modulate pain and improve patie…
The probability forecast simulation of Rainy Season Onset and the Lenght of Season based on Indonesia SST, Nin034 SST, and IODM SST Anomalies as predictors, have been done over Seasonal Forecast Area (SFA) 126 Denpasar. This SFA was chosen as a case in relation to it's monsoonal rainfall pattern. In this SFA there were clearly different condition between Rainy and Dry Seasons. Basically the pea…
Abstrak. Riview terhadap mekanisme nyeri neuropatik ini adalah berdasarkan rcspon yang sangat komplcks terhadap injuri saraf perifer. Terdapat berbagai kemungkinan mekanise yang mendasari terjadinya nyeri neuropatik termasuk keterJibatan saraf pcrifer, medulla spinalis, bahkan otak. Penelitian selanjutnya terhadap mekanisme nyeri neuropatik akan membantu kita dalam mengembangkan obat-obat baru …
Abstract: Dental caries can cause pain which is caused by the stimuli from the nerves and by the pressure being transmitted by tomejiber through tubulus dentin which is subsquently transmitted to odontoblast. From the observation, traditionally village community in Bali use snile liqiud to kill the pain caused by dental carries. The overal objective of this research is to identify the effective…