Many factors influence the mending of wounds, i.e. local and more general factors. Data recovered from the fled indicated that there are high maternal mortality attributable to infections. The situation calls for a comparative study on healing of post section-caesaria operations administered with prophylaxis and theurapeutic antibiotics. This was an analytical study performed on a cross section…
Fraktur terbuka yaitu pata tulang yang merusak jaringan kulit, karena adanya hubungan dengan Lingkungan luar potensi terjadinya infeksi. Perioritas tindakan peraatan pada pasien fraktur tulang terbuka adalah mencegah cedera tulang dan jaringan lebih lanjut, menghilangkan nyeri, mencegah komplikasi, melakukan tindakan keperawatan yaitu merawat luka. Metode penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif yang…
A scoring system is needed in most pathological conditions, including trauma. The scoring system commonly used is the TRISS (Trauma Score and Injury Severity Score). A research done to patient with multi trauma at the Medical Faculty Hospital, Christian University of Indonesia during 1994 used TRISS methodology.
Head injuries often pose problems for anesthesia, the main issues are cranial blood supplay, intracranial pressure, hypoxemia and shock. In severe head injuries, the autoregulation of the brain is often lost, causing the existing ischemic areas to suffer from inadequate blood supply, ensued by extending ischemic areas. Furthermore, intracranial pressure may increase due to intracranial causes. …