Abstract: This study aims to analyze the relationship between BMI, LILA, and Hb value with the ad¬equacy of breastfeeding in the village Karangkedawang Kec. Sooko Kab. Mojokeno. Free variables that are examined nutrition status of mothers breastfeeding measure Body Mass Index, arm circumfer¬ence above and Hb level. While the dependent variable examined is the adequacy of breastfeeding. The ad…
Exclusive breast feeding is a government program developed to reduce infant and child mortality rate. However, the coverage of this program remains low, only 30%, while the targeted mothers motivation to breast feed their babies exclusively. The study incorporated analytical cross sectional design where subjects to be studied were drawn by propotional simple random sampling resulting in 124 r…
Immunization belongs to promotional and preventive effort in the improvement of health condition. The lack of understanding on basic immunization need among mothers have resulted in the lack of exertion in pursuing basic immunization services. The study aimed for analyzing the relationship relating to pursuing basic immunization services for babies. The observation was structured as a cross sec…
A wast majorityof women develop climateric syndrome. Based on a preliminary study in RT 11 RW o2 Kedinding Tengah Kelurahan Tanah Kali Kedinsing, 70% of 10 respondents have develop climacteric syndrome and 60% of them lack of information on the syndrome. Information is one of the total attitude drivers (Notoatmodjo, 2003). Therefore, the writer conducted a study entitied “ A Relationship betw…
The main problem Investigated in this study was focused on responses toward the services provided by new private midwivery practitioner based on the popularity of the midwives themselves and the extent of facility completeness, in addition to the perspective and attitude of the consumers. The population under study was all pregnant women who chose to have private midwife practitioners for their…
A prospective study has been conducted on 102 underfives in Marunda. North Jakarta. The Focus of investigation was the mother's profile (reproductive pattern and schooling) and the underfive mortality. A disrepancy was found between the mother's perception and her adoption of the reproductive pattern, in the sence that although 55 percent of mothers had a good perception on reproduction, behavi…