The prevalence of hypertension among people aged over 18 years old at national level is high (31.7%) and the median value of urinary iodine concentration among school age children is also high (224 µ/g/L). In Indonesia, all salt for consumption should be iodised. Is there any relationship between urinary iodine and urinary sodium concentration? This study is to assess urinary sodium and iodin…
The prevalence of anemia on girls adolesence 15-19 y olds was 26.5 %, and on women 20 - 29 Y old was 25.3%. In 2010, the result of Yogyakarta Health Polytechnic research showed that the average of female college Hb level was 13.06 ± 1.19 g/dl, with range 9.1 g/dl to 16.5 g/dl, while prevalence of anemia was 7.4 %. The research goal is to investigated the relationship between nutrition knowledg…
lodized salt is considered as an effective intervention to overcome lodine Dettciency Disorders (loo) problems. This research was aimed to analyze association between iodine content (qualitatively) of salts used in the households and practice of keeping and utilizing iodized salts to 100 among school children. This cross sectional study involved 67 randomly selected school children in Dusun Sid…
This research was analytic with cross sectional approach aimed to identify relationship between self concept and adolescent habit (student) to accomplish academic task. Population of research was all students of semester II in Nursing Department of Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, comprising student of Tuban D3 Nursing Department, Sutopo D3 Nursing Department, Soetomo D3 Nursing Department, and Sid…
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the second commonest bacterial infection in Indonesian children after respiratory tract infection. In order to establish early diagnosis of UTI, it is important to recognize the risk factors of UTI in children. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between circumcision, personal hygiene, environmental sanitation, nutritional status, parents' educ…
This research is a descriptive study, which aims to describe the nurse's knowledge on the management of the client with a head injury, in ER Hospital Sidoarjo, the cross-sectional design. As the population of all nurses working in hospitals ER Sidoarjo with the target population of 30 people, all of them the subject of research. Research variables: knowledge of nurses on the management of the c…
Relationship Between Faculty Performance Based on the Perceptions of Students With A GPA of Students. Universities should also be managed professional by applying the the basic principles of the organization so that optimal performance is increasingly the targets that have been determined can be achieved effectively and efficiently. Teaching and learning process is an important activity in the …
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan antara perilaku belajar mahasiswa semester III dengan hasil belajar mahasiswa untuk mata kuliah Ilmu Kesehatan Anak di program Studi Kebidanan Bangkalan. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian analitis dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua mahsaiswa semester III pada Proram Studi Kebidanan Bangkalan, dengan target p…
Manusia adalah makhluk dengan dua dimensi yang memerlukan keseimbangan antara kebutuhan dunia dan kebutuhan akhirat. Itulah mengapa manusia memiliki emotional quotion dan Intelegentia quotion (EQ dan IQ) dan yang lebih penting adalah mengetahui Spiritual Quotion/SQ (Dr Ali Shariati 2004). KOnsep keseimbangan antara EQ dan IQ merupakan konsep Universal yang mampu memuaskan seseorang dan orang la…
Kanker payudara merupakan penyakit terbesar kedua yang menjangkiti wanita di Indonesia setelah kanker serviks. Kanker payudara menjadi problem serius di dunia kesehatan karena para pasien mengunjungi dokter setelah kondisi memburuk. Sebaliknya ini bisadi deteksi dini dengan SADARI. Perilaku SADARI dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor :pengetahuan, sikap dan praktek SADARI. Riset ini bertujuan mengi…