Bali province has a cas fatality rate (CFR)of Dengue Hemoharrgic Fever (DHF) 56.16 per 100,000 populations in 2011. Data of Riskesdas 2010 showed that anti mosquito (household insecticides) was the most widely used by people to prevent vector borne diseases. This study aimed to describ behavior by using household insecticides to prevent DHF endemic area in Denpasar City, Gianyar and Bandung Reg…
Jladri Village was one of an endemic area of malaria in Kebumen Regency that had increasing case during 2006-2008. The objectives of this study were to determine demographic characteristic, Respondents knowladge, attitude and practices towards Malaria. The study was undertaken asa descriptive cross-sectional survei in jladriVillage in April-December 2008. fifty (50)Respondents that ever had mal…
In the 19th through 23rd weeks of 2011 in Bintet village (Pesaren) and Bukit Ketok village (Batu Atap) Belinyu Sub-district Bangka Regency has been an increase indicated an outbreak of malaria cases with a number of clinical cases reached 130 peoples and a positive as many as 23 peoples. Attack rate reached 17.7% and Case Fatality Rate = 0.0%. This research is a descriptive analytical approach …