Beban cedera makin meningkat sehingga dibutuhkan penyediaan dan penyajian data yang cepat dan terbaru. Sistem dokumentasi data cedera dari berbagai sumber masih bersifat manual sehingga pemanfaatan data kurang optimal. Diperlukan model sistem registri data dasar trauma yang sederhana, aplikatif, informatif dan mudah diakses oleh pengguna sebagai penunjang sistem surveilans cedera. Penelitian in…
Background: Traumatic ulcer is a common form of ulceration occured in oral cavity caused by mechanical trauma, either acute or chronic, resulting in loss of the entire epithelium. Traumatic ulcer often occurs in children that are usually found on buccal mucosa, labial mucosa of upper and lower lip, lateral tongue, and a variety of areas that may be bitten. To properly diagnose the ulcer, dentis…
Introduction: Management of occupational hazards has been a priority and sharps injuries is a known potential risk to health care workers. With the known risks of potential infections, to the workers as well as the patients, our workers need protection from further danger. Objective: This study looked at the measures taken on managing the affected healthcare workers. Methods: A cross-sectional …
Background: The impact of head injuries were cognitive disorder, behavioral disorder and physical limitation. The objective of this study was to identify a major factor that contributes to head injury severity in hospitalized patients. Methods: This study was part of research "Development of Trauma Registry Databases as a Support System for Injury Surveillance”. Data collected by abstracti…
Pengetahuan tentang tindakan kegawatdaruratan pada pasien trauma memegang porsi besar dalam menentukan keberhasilan pertolongan. Pada banyak kejadian banyak penderita trauma yang justru meninggal atau meng~ami kecacatan yang diakibatkan oleh kesalahan dalam melakukan pertolo~n (kesal~han petugas). Di samping itu dibutuhkan juga sikap yang benar da~~erikan tindakan kegawatdaruratan pada pasien t…
Drop foot merupakan suatu gangguan akibat ketidak-mampuan atau terbatasnya kemampuan untuk menggerakan kaki ke arah dorsal flexi di persendian ankle. Pasien sulit berjalan mudah tersandung dan tidak stabil. Pasien gaya berjalan circumduction gait) atau dengan mengayunkan kaki ( circumduction"). Salah satu cara mencegah gerakan drop pada pasien drop foot karena paresis adalah penggunaan a~le foo…
Background: Mandibular fracture OCClIrs more COIl1IJWllly than maxillaryfracture because of its prominent position and its WT(j\I' arch like bone anatomy. Manyfactors may cause mandibular fracture. Motorcycle accident is the main euologv ofmandibularfracture ill the world Based on the literature, 43% mandibularfractures are caused by motorcvcle accident, 34c% hy "jlllellce. 7% hv accident at wo…
Injuries due to falls in elderly is a major issue for health in the world due to rapid increases in life expectancy. Falling influenced by intrinsic factors (instability). He purpose of this article is to show the magnitude of obesity risk with injury due to falls in elderly people in Indonesia. This article is an advance analysis on 5.339 respondents of national health survey (riskesdas) data…