Skabies merupakan penyakit yang sangat mudah menular, walaupun tidak terlalu membahayakan, namun jika terjadi komplikasi dengan kuman fJ hemolytic streptococcus, dapat terjadi glomerulonefritis akut. Puskesmas Cempaka, pada bulan Oktober 2009 terdata sebesar 33,03 % warga yang terjangkit penyakit kulit atau dari 244 jumlah pengunjung yang datang untuk berobat terdata sebanyak 74 orang yang terj…
The number of tooth decay in Indonesia based on national health survey by the Department of Health of Indonesia in 2001 found about 70 percent of the Indonesian population aged 10 years and over have experienced damage gigi. Pada age 12 years, the amount of tooth decay reaches 43.9%, age 15 year reached 37.4%, age 18 years 51.1%, aged 35-44 reached 80.1%, and the age of 65 years and over reache…
Kepulauan Seribu is the new district in DKI Jakarta Province; therefore, it is necessary to collect baseline data regarding the clean and healthy behavior of the community, which can be used for developing the program of health education. In 2005, it had been done a survey in Pramuka and panggang Islands; hopefully, the survey can represent the clean an healthy behavior of the Kepulauan Seribuâ…
Research on factors influencing the oral conditions of community was done in DKI Jakarta n 1997. The objective of the study was to identify factors such as individual characteristics namely: sex, age, education, occupation, family burdens, behavioral condition i.e. smoking behavior, and health facilities i.e. the distance and accessibility of oral and dental health facilities. The design of the…