Piper betle L is a well known plant used in taditional medicine, espesially used as an antibactteria. The aim ot this research is to compare antibacterial activity and mechanism of inhibition between esential oil etanol 70% extract of betle leaves on some gram (+) becteria. The experimental result showed that MC values for essential oil against Staphylococcus aureus is 7,4% (b/v), Bacillus pumi…
Shiitake (Lentinula edodes (Bark) Pegler) is one of the wood mushroom that have a broad benefit. Besides Aiready known as a delicious food, shiiitake fungi can also act as a drug, such as antibacterial, antiviral, anti platelet agggulutination an cholesterol-lowering compound. The research was conducted to test the antibacterial activity of 70% athanol and n-hexane extract from Shitake fungus (…
Temu kunci (Boesenbergia pandurata) rhizome showed cytotoxic effect against T47D breast cancer cell line. It contains Panduratin, a chalcone compund, that has been investigated as chemopreventive agent. The exploration of extract of temu kuci as chemopreventive agent was expected to be an alternative for cancer therapy. The aim of this research was to determine the cytotoxic activities of ethan…
Sarang semut (Myrmecodia pendans) is an Indonesian native plant that has been used in folk medicine. Researches showed sarang semut has antioxidant effect, xantinoxidase inhibitor potency, and anticancer activity. The efficacy and safety of this plant should have been proven before used in modern medicine. The objective of this research was to assess the potency of acute toxicity, evaluate tox…
Empiricly, bandotan herbs (Ageratum conyzoides L) is widely used of people to stop the continuous bleeding, like the haemorrhage after give birth, nosebleed, etc. Due to this condition, the research of giving the bandotan herbs etanol 96% extract that can effect the hemostatic of shile male rats who have heparin injection was conducted. The blood coagulation time was measured based on aPTT (act…
Leaves and stem of tomato (Lycopersion esculentum Mill) has been traditionaly used as insect repellent as it’s specific odor. They contain alkoloid, saponin, tritepenoid-steroid, flavonoid, tannin and glycoside. Using of tomato leaves and stem as insect repellent should be supported by the scientific studies. This study aims to determine whether the tomato leaves and stem can be used as insec…
Previous study described that ethanol 7% extract of Acelypha indica have immunomodulator effect baseon increasing of phagocyte activity, not only in vitro but also by in vivo studied. In this study, immunomodulator activity was tested using five group of mice. Each group was given standard diet, negative group was given 0,5% NaCMC suspensitive group was given Stimuno 0,39 mg/20g BW, 3rd, 4th, …
Salbutamolsulphate is a drug for asmaticbronchitis which can be formulated into transdermalpreparate because it is a patent drug with a short half time of 4 to 6 so that is should be given 3 to 4 times a day and also involves in first metabolic path in oral administration. The transdermal system is a matrix system combination of povidonetylcalluloce at 3:2 proportion. Ethanol is used to increas…
The leaves of klausena plant (Clausena anisata Hook. F), belongs to Reutaceae family has been used by the people in West Sumatera and Java to treat the pain, like headache, toothache, rheumatism and fever. The used of this medicinal plant is not recognized clinically, because it has not been tested scientically, primary about it’s pharmacological activity and safety. Because their safety has …
Research on antibacterial activity of jockfruit wood (A heterophylla Lmk) ethanolic extract to B, subtilis and E coli in vitro have been done, jackfruit woor ethanolic extraction was done with maceration method using ethonolic solvent 70%. Antibacterial activity test used agar diffution method. There were tesred 5 groups of serial extract concentration 1%, 10% and 100%; positive control (tetrac…