Vitamin A deficiency is a major cause of blindnes, mobidity and mortality among young children throughout the developing world. In Indonesia high dose of vitamin A supplementation has already been done to children after six months old supplementation to neonates was not available yet. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of high dose vitamin A (50.00 IU) supplementation in neona…
A prospective study has been conducted on 102 underfives in Marunda. North Jakarta. The Focus of investigation was the mother's profile (reproductive pattern and schooling) and the underfive mortality. A disrepancy was found between the mother's perception and her adoption of the reproductive pattern, in the sence that although 55 percent of mothers had a good perception on reproduction, behavi…
It is recommended to give exclusive breastfeeding to infant until 6 months without any other additional foods. Breastfeeding is the only best food for infants until six months and should be continued until two years old with adequate complementary foods. This studywas conducted to determine the correlation between exclusive breastfeeding and diarrhea in infant aged 0-6 months. This was retrosp…
Exclusive Breast Feeding or ASI Ekslusif is one of the Government’s programs aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality retes among babies and children. However, program accomplishment is uite low probably due to lack of family suport. The study was therefore directed at learning the relationship of family (husband) support with the pratice of exclusive breast feeding to 0-6 month old babies.…