Bila ingin anak kita sehat, lakukan imunisasi secara teratur. Imunisasi dibedakan menjadi 2 golongan. Golongan yang pertama adalah imunisasi yang harus selesai sebelum usia satu tahun dan golongan yang kedua adalah imunisasi yang tidak boleh dilaksanakan pada usia di bawah satu tahun. Biasanya imunisasi diberikan sesuai jadwal yang tercantum di buku-buku kesehatan anak atau dirumah sakit maupun…
Integrated health post (Posyandu) implemented 4 princips of Primary Health Care (PHC) which is universal coverage, community participation, multi-sectoral collaboration and the use of appropriate technology Basic health research (Riskesdas) 2007 data shows that 23% of household in Indonesia use the services of Posyandu and the most usable services were weighing and Immunization children under f…
Brain abscess is a rare and dangerous condition in infants, usually solitary and need surgical intervention. A case of multiple brain abscesses are very eare in the pediatric age-group and surgical drainage is lifesaving. This is a report of one case of multiple brain abscesses in a 30 days –old baby who presented with seizures and enlargement of head with history of umbilical infection (omph…
Infant mortality and under five children mortality ratio in the last few years has been in stagnant level about 50 per 1000. Underlying factors influencing that are; socio economic and culture, and also proximate factors are; age, and member of children. This research was carried out in 2004 in Mimika District PT Freeport Indonesia project area indigenous people namely Amungme and Kamoro tribes…
Practicing to breastfeed the children up to two year of their age is not achieved yet. This leads to problem in the children such as diarrhea and undernutrition. Several studies showed that working mother, lateness on breastfeeding initiation, and promotion of breast milk substitution are the factors related to stop breastfeeding earlier which is less than 24 month of children’s age. This pap…
In Indonesia typhoid fever was still endemic disease and come into question serious health. Number of typhoid fever occurence was known higher in country that was expanding in tropical area as in Indonesia. Typhoid Fever its link with higiene individual and environment sanitation. Child was the most easy suffer from typhoid fever, although the symptom that expereienced lighter child from adult…