The degrees of respiratory distress syndrome from thorax X-ray and degrees of asphyxia in preterm neonates Background: Respiration Distress Syndrome (ROS) is a complication of prematurity lung disorder and common causes of premature neonatal morbidity. Clinically ROS provides signs of asphyxia that can be assessed with APGAR score. C!t?st X-ray can also diagnose and determine the degree oJ RDS…
Clinical trials have demostrated that zinc suplement during diarrhea Study that evaluated diet entriched with zinc and probiotic showed significant reduction on the duration of diarrhea. Whether this combination s beter than either supllement of zinc or probiotic alone is unknown. The objective of the study was to compare the duration of diarrhea among children with acute watery diarrhea given …
Usia 6-12 bulan merupakan periode em as dalam proses perkembangan bayi. Ketidaktahuan ibu tentang manfaat dan cara pemberian MP-ASI menyebabkan keadaan kurang gizi pada bayi dan anak. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pendidikan dan tingkat pengetahuan ibu dengan pemberian MP¬ASI pada bayi umur 6-12 bulan di Puskesmas Pekapuran Raya Banjarmasin Tahun 2010. Jenis penel…
With increasing maternal age hopefully the mother knows more about raising a baby and supervising their growth and development. With normal birth weight and adequate duration of exclusive breast feeding the baby can be expected to have optimal growth and development. The goal of this historical-cohort prospecllve study was to analyze the relation between maternal age, infant birth weight and du…
Abstract: Factors With Malnutrition in Infant on Lampung. Malnutrition in infants due to several factors, either directly or indirectly. This study aims to determine the relationship between birth weight, infant food intake (energy and protein), age and sex of the baby, immunization, infectious diseases, maternal education, maternal employment and the number' of household members with a state o…
Abstract: Factors With Malnutrition in Infant on Lampung. Malnutrition in infants due to several factors, either directly or indirectly. This study aims to determine the relationship between birth weight, infant food intake (energy and protein), age and sex of the baby, immunization, infectious diseases, maternal education, maternal employment and the number' of household members with a state o…
Abstract: Knowledge to Mothers With Under three Year Old Children Basic Immunization. The problem in this research is the low coverage of the village are fully' immunized Rajabasa Lama 11 is about 54%. The study aims to determine the relationship of knowledge to. mothers with under-three years old children basic immunization completeness. Research using cross sectional design. Throughout the ca…