In theory, lymphocyte count increases in pediatric patients with dengue virus infection,because this infection increases apoptosis process and activation of T lymphocyte function, Th1 cytokine production, and B lymphocytes. Administration of zinc is hypothsized to affect immunity changes as shown by these biomarkers. This study aimed to examine the effect of zinc on lymphocyte count and length …
Background: Nganjuk was included in 7districts with highest malnutrition in East Java. Prevalence index of weight/age was 4.80%, height/age was 17.40% and weight/height was > 20% (Riskesdas, 2008). In 2009 malnourished under five children was 715. Objective of this research was analyzing the effect of zinc supplement and biscuit MP-ASI for the nutritional status and hair zinc concentration for …
Background: WHO classified the number of leprosy cases in Indonesia as number three in the world after India and Brazil. The number of new leprosy patients tends to increase since there is a possibility that seropositive leprosy is turning into manifest leprosy. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of zinc supplementation on interleukin-2 (IL-2) level of seropositive contact of le…
Clinical trials have demostrated that zinc suplement during diarrhea Study that evaluated diet entriched with zinc and probiotic showed significant reduction on the duration of diarrhea. Whether this combination s beter than either supllement of zinc or probiotic alone is unknown. The objective of the study was to compare the duration of diarrhea among children with acute watery diarrhea given …
Aim Zinc (Zn) defi ciency remains a problem in most developing countries, including Indonesia, especially in the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Islands. Zinc plays a major role in pain through the modulation process by the N-methyl-Daspartate(NMDA) receptors, which also includes neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) as a pain parameter. The purpose of this study is to reveal the effects of Zn towards…
Heart disease is a major cause of death in both men and women in industrialized countries. In fact, many individuals, who develop heart disease, have normal cholesterol and blood pressure levels. It suggests that other risk factors may also play a role. Iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) and copper ICul may promote CHD by increasing lipid peroxidation and causing oxidant-induced damage in various organs. The…
Anemia prevalence of pregnant is increasing. Therefore, pregnant mother’s behavior in ferro supply need to improved. Meanwhile, most of pregnant mother have a bad behavior on it. This research is done in order to know about pregnant mother’s behavior in ferro supply. Cross sectional design is used in descriptive research, which take population of pregnant mother in Pos Pratek Poltekkes Depk…