Stroke is a clinical syndrome commonly found in elderly patient, yet rarely found in children , Stroke is generally divided into ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke Clinically patients may present with headache, recurring pale, vomiting, decrease consciousness, or seizure Identification and treatment should be done immediately in order to prevent death and disability caused by further bledin…
Background: Post-partum haemorrhage (PPH) is one of the classic triad of causes of maternal death. This analysis aimed to evaluate several risk factors of PPH. Methods: This analysis using a cross-sectional Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2010 data. For this analysis, the subjects consisted of married women aged 13-49 years, who gave birth of their last child between January 1, 2005 and Au…
Objective: To evaluate the use of B-Lynch Technique and Lasso Budirnan Technique as conservative way to control post partum hemorrhage due to uterine atony. Method: THe cross-sectional retrospective study in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ta ngerang General Hospital, Banten, year 2005 - 2008 and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Wonosobo General Hospital, Central Java, year 20…
Primary post partum bleeding is bleeding more than 500 ml which OCC11rred after the baby is delivered during the 24 hours. One cause of primary pos; partum hemorrhage are age and parity. The aim of study to know the relationship between age, parity with the inddence of primary post partum hemorrhage. This research is an analytical research using cross sectional design and simple random sampling…
Abstract. Influential factors to health in both individual and societies are including clan, behavioral.A dengue is still one of health problems in the societies and result in both social and economic impacts; major vector of the disease is Aedes aegypti. The goals of the study are to analyze the difference behaviors, of Aedes aegypti's families in Banjar Sakih. The study is belonging to survey…
Perdarahan post partum masih merupakan penyebab utama mortalitas dan morbiditas persalinan. Angka kejadiannya sekitar 5 % dari persalinan normal. Perdarahan post partum dapat dibagi atas perdarahan post partum dini jika terjadi sebelum 24 jam pasea persalinan ; terutama disebabkan karena laserasi vagina, atonia uterus, retensio plasenta, dan koagulopati. Dan perdarahan post partum lambat jika t…
Submacular hemorrhage is the tht is located between the neurosensory and the retinal pigment epithelium. Blood in this potential space can be arise from the choroidal and or the retinal circulation. Submacular hemorrhage most commonly is associated with an ocular condition, such as age-related macular degeneration, ruptured macroaneurysm, trauma, and myopia. Subretinal hemorrhage is toxic to p…