ABSTRACT Dietary approach to stop hypertension for Indonesian at Jakarta (DASHI-J) and brisk walking exercise could reduce body weight and blood pressure of males prehypertension. The objeczive of the study was to evalu-ate DASHI-J by an experimental clinical trial conducted with 100 male sub¬jects. aged 25 - 55 years divided randomly into 4 groups: DASHI.J dietgroup (A) brisk walking exerc…
Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui uji aktivitas anti-osteoporosis secara in vivo dari tanaman Spilanthes acmella terhadap sel osteoblas tulang trabekula proksimal femur mencit jantan model osteoporosis induksi deksametason. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan rancangan penelitian posttest only control group, 60 ekor mencit jantan sehat (usia >5 bulan) dikelompokkan secara random menjadi 1…
Background: Exercise increases the need for oxygen to generateATP through oxidative phosphorylation. If the high energy demand during exercise is not balanced by sufficient oxygen supply, hypoxia occurs in skeletal muscle tissue leading to upregulation ofhypoxia inducible factor-1α (RIF-1α). The activity of RIF-1α increases the expression ofvarious genes in order to reduce the metabolic depe…
At the moment people tend not to have time for exercise because of the busyness and all-round modern lifestyles, such as using a motor vehicle more often compared to walking or cycling, using the elevator in the building. As well as the majority of cardiologists who treat patients heart attacks with jogging under the supervision can reduce heart attack, the heart make vessels colIaterais thus t…
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is one of the commonest cumulative traumatic disorder caused by medianus nerve entrapment in carpal tunnel at the wrist. Carpal tunnel syndrome is related to repetitive biomechanical movement in hand at work. To prevent CTS, workers can do the job conditioning, perform stretching exercises, and take frequent rest breaks. Objectives: to evaluate the role of hand exer…
Background: Sweet taste is a pleasant sensation. Sweet taste is mostly consumed and fancied by many people. Physiologically, glucose is body source of energy, but if over used it can be affected to the body metabolism. This can be worsen if the person not doing a healthy lifestyle. One way to implement a healthy lifestyle is by doing physical exercises. Purpose: The aim of this study wasto dete…
Aim: to assess the effect of breathing exercises on fatigue level of the patients with COPD. Methods: this quasi-experimental research was conducted on 60 COPD patients hospitalized at hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The subjects were randomized into “experience” and “control” groups. Data were gathered by interview and data registration from the files.…