Keterpurukan Indonesia dalam krisis ekonomi sampai saat ini, telah membawa organisasi jasa pelayanan kesehatan seperti rumah sakit menghadapi dua tuntutan yang secara simultan yaitu tuntutan masyarakat untuk mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan yang bermutu dengan harga terjangkau, dan sulitnya untuk mendapatkan sumber daya yang semakin terbatas untuk memberikan pelayanan kesehatan yang bermutu, Sec…
The study is a quantitative analytical research, with a true factorial design of experiments. The main objective is known the CPDM method influence and achievement motivation towards learning outcomes of courses sterilizing dental instruments in the second semester students of Dental Health Programs Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya. The specific goal are 1) identification of differences in the study…
Abstract. This research aims to know ifthere is an influence on achievement motivation and emotional intelligence to learning concentration of theflrst semester students ofD-111 Nursing Department, Polytechnic of Health, Department 0/ Health in Denpasar Year 010. Data have been collected by two weeks be/ore the semester's final test with qu . ionnaires giving techniques. They have been analyze…
Exclusive breast feeding is a government program developed to reduce infant and child mortality rate. However, the coverage of this program remains low, only 30%, while the targeted mothers motivation to breast feed their babies exclusively. The study incorporated analytical cross sectional design where subjects to be studied were drawn by propotional simple random sampling resulting in 124 r…
Posyandu is one of the community-based health services (Upaya Kesehat Bersumber Daya Masyarakat, UKBM). Health cadres play Important roles in Posyandu activites. However only 40% of the posyandu are functioning wel, and only 30% of posyandu cades are property trained. This observation was intended to reveal cadres level of motivation as well as their participation in the management of posyandu.…
The quality of professional services in hospitals can be from the nurses daily performances. The lack of motivation among nurses resulted in less optimal nursing performances. The study intended to identify the relationship between nurses motivation and performance in rumah sakit Haji Surabaya Hospital. This was carried out in a cross sectional analytical investigation. The population under stu…
Banyaknya peluang kerja di bidang kesehatan akan mempengaruhi perawat dalam memilih tempat kerja sesuai dengan ,minatnya. Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa tempat kerja di luar Rumah Sakit mulai diminati oleh perawat. Yang dikhawatirkan dari fenomena ini adlah terjadinya ketidak seimbangan distribusi tenaga dimana salah satu tempat kerja terjadi kepadatan dan disisi lain terjadi kekosongan tenaga. Te…