The relationship Food Pattern and Henoglobin Level in PregnantWomen at Maros at Maros, South Sulawesi. Food consumption patter is known as a determinant factor for nutritional problems among pregnant mothers. This study was intended to assess food consumtion and its relationship to anemia in Maros District, Indonesia. This study was conducted in two sub-districts and pregnant mothers was rando…
The growing number of vehicles in Semarang city has great potentiality toward air pollution that will affecting people’s health. The health impact of lead ex-posure may in the forms of hypertension, anaemia, brain function degradation, and red cell formation inhibition. The study was aimed to understand the correlation between lead level in blood and haemoglobin and erythrocytes based on…
In Indonesia, the prevalence of Nutritional anemia is still high among the vulnerable groups including low income workers. The nutritional anemia is due tomlack of iron consumption. The aim of the study is to know the relationship the length of menstrution, the nutritional status, the nutritional status, the consumption of the inhibitors (tea and Coffee) and the enhancers (poultry, Ment, Fish) …
Pervalensi anemia Ibu hamil di Kecamatan Rajabasa Bandar Lampung 52% (survey tahun 2004). Hasil pemeriksaan (3 Taun) cukup tinggi: 66.2% (2006). Pemberian suplemen Besi (Fe) Ibu hamil sangat dianjurkan selama waktu tertentu. Penelitian bertujuan memperoleh informasi tentang keefektifan pemberian suplemen besi dan multivitamin D pada ibu hamil di Kecamatan Rajabasa Kota Bandar lampung Tahun 2007…
Penelitian dengan desain kuasi eksperimen pre and post test one group yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tindakan hemodialisis terhadap kadar hemoglobin pada pasien gagal ginjal kronik di Ruang Hemodialisa RSUD Abdul Moeloek Provinsi Lampung. Data dikumpulkan dari 139 responden yang ditemukan dengan teknik proposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan adanya pengaruh hemodialiasis ter…
Anemia is the major health problem for 26,5 % of the school children and teenagers in Indonesia. It is expected that by giving nutrition education to the anemic school age children, their nutritional knowledge and their diet pattern improve. Their better food intake especially higher iron intake will then increase their hemoglobin levels. The, study was conducted to investi¬gate the effect of …
The high prevalence of iron anemia in adolescent girls, which caused a lack of nutrient intake, the high iron requirement for menstruating and the period of peak growth, can disrupt the body's vitality, powers of concentration and lower academic achievement The objective of this research is to know the relationship between hemoglobin level and study result of the second semester seventh grader.…
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a component (gas) is coloriess and odoriess so it is difficult to detect its presence. Tills is very dangerous considering holding capacity of hemoglobin (Hb) that is 210 times stronger than the oxygen that is hindering the circutetion of oxygen throughout body tissues. However, the presence of CO in the blood is also influenced by factors such as levels of CO in the air…
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the relationship between BMI, LILA, and Hb value with the ad¬equacy of breastfeeding in the village Karangkedawang Kec. Sooko Kab. Mojokeno. Free variables that are examined nutrition status of mothers breastfeeding measure Body Mass Index, arm circumfer¬ence above and Hb level. While the dependent variable examined is the adequacy of breastfeeding. The ad…
Konsumsi oksigen maksimum 0/°2 maks) adalah jumlah oksigen maksimal yang dapat dihantarkan dari paru-paru ke otot dalam mililiter; atau dalam menit per kilogram be rat badan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional dengan sampel 30 siswa dan 30 siswi pesantren Darul Hijrah, dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ka-dar hemoglobin dan jenis kelamin terhadap kons…