Background: Chitosan is biomaterial improved for various dentistry applications because it is biocompatible. degradable. non¬toxic, and not carcinogenic. The main parameter affecting the characteristics of chitosan is deacetylation degree. Purpose: This study is aimed to determine the degree of deacetvlated of chitosan derivedfrom white shrimp shell waste used as dental biomaterial. Methods:…
Background: Smear layer is a debris consisting of organ ie and inorganic particles of calcified tissue, necrotic tissue, pulp tissue, and dentinoblast and microorganism processes th at can close the entrance to the dentin tubuli. Smear layer, will not only inhibit the penetration of disinfectiori materials and sealas to the dentin tubuli, but will also reduce the attachment of root canai fillin…
Masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut yang sering dihadapi oleh n=anak sekolah adalah masalah lubang gigi (karies), dapat dilihat dari data yang diperoleh dari hasil pemeriksaan gigi dan mulut siswa-siswi SD di propinsi Lampung pada tahun 2003, dimana data karies gigi adalah 60.32% meningkat menjadi 73,75% pada tahun 2004 penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan perilaku tentang kesehatan gigi…
Masalah kesehatan gigi di Indonesia masih merupakan masalah yang menarik karena prevalensi karies dan penyakit periodontal mencapai 80% dari jumlah penduduk, sedangkan goal WHO tahun 2000 sehat untuk semua dalam bidang kesehatan gigi antara lain karies gigi penduduk dunia diharapkan hanya sekitar 50% (I). Salah satu pelayanan upaya kesehatan gigi dan mulut adalah melakukan pemeriksaan keadaan g…
Background: Orthodonnc srcanucnt needs good consideration especially when there are unfavorable conditions for orthodontic treatment. such as neriodonmt diseases or fOOlh with root resorpnon. ROOf resorpuon should not become \I'o~'se due to orthodontic treatment .. All risk factors should be ctiminosed before orthodontic treatment is started. Otherwise. the goal ojorthodontic treatment could be…
meterial are used to reproduce the form and relationship Impression of teeth and oral tisues. Alginate is among hydrocolloids irreversible impression material most commoly used to make an impression of various areas in the oral cavity. Alginate impression product have accaptable elastic properties and compare well withreversible hydrocoloid materials. Preparation for use requires only the mixin…
The condition of poor household of Situbondo Regency that is coastal area is as much as 50, 69% one of healthy service conducting for society held in Pblic Health Center is teeth and month health service. To describ teeth and mounth service in Public Health Center of Situbondo Regency can be made teeth and mouth health service profile. This profile induced some demography data of Situbondo Rege…