The study is a descriptive study to obtain data and information on (1) average cost that should be paid for in-patient care (including related expenses such as laboratory service, drugs, etc) of district public general hospital and the sufficiency of government subsidy for poor families, and (2) scenarios of price discrimination that can be applied in district public general hospital for the ho…
The study is a systematic empirical analysis to test some hypotheses. The objectives were (1) to analyze the sufficiency of government subsidy for poor people to cover the cost of hospital care for the hospital to reach cost recovery, and (2) to test whether economic theories can be used to analyze factors effecting the sales volume of product/service of public general hospital. Population stud…
PT Askes is the health insurance provider with mandatory membership for public officers in Indonesia. In reality, patient still have to cover some expenses from his or her pocket, due to the differences between hospital fare and the expenses that is covered by Askes. The objective of this research is to find out the determinant factors and the prediction modal of out of pocket expenses among h…
Since the implementation of DOTS strategy in hospitals, lung clinic and private practitiners in a network with health centres in Yogyakarta (or PPM-DOTS network), the number of TB cases identified and treated has been gradually increasing from the year 2000. However, the cost-efectiveness of diffeent PPm-DOTS strategies has not yet been studied. This study aimed to determine cost Since the impl…