Abstrak. Pelayanan Laboratoriurn Patoiogi Klinik di rumah sakit merupakan pelayanan yang perlu memperhatikan secara khusus mengenai K3RS oleh karena mempunyai risiko tinggi untuk terjadinya kecelakaan kerja. Pekerja di Laboratorium Patologi Klinik harus selalu mempelajari dan mendeteksi setiap kemungkinan timbul risiko kecelakaan kerja, harus senantiasa meningkatkan kesadaran dan kedisiplinan d…
njury contributed to 15% mortality, 25% of disease burden and economic losses 5% GDP (growth Product Development). Injury from traffic accidents, falls and injured by sharp/blunt object proportion accupied most of the causes of injury in the community, especially in developing countries. Advance analysis aims to compare the profile of injury from falls, traffic accidents and injured by sharp/bl…