Morphological observations were made on the adult filaria worms of nonperiodic from of B.malayi (32 worms), the new subspecles of the causative agent of filariasis in East Kalimanan (3,4). The filaria parasites were compared to the old subspecies of noctumally subperiodic form of B. malai (25 worms) from Kendari and the animal filaria B. pahangi (20 worms) which were also sympatic in East Kalim…
A new subspecies of human parasite filarial worm, i.e. nonperiodic from of Brugia malayi Lichrenstein, was reported from East Kalimantan. Based on the morphology, physiology or behavior, the Brugia type revealed very closely related to the animal parasite filarial worm of Brugia pahangi. This paper reports the results of further observations on other properties of filaria parasite, i.e clinical…
A study on entomology has been conducted in 5 villages which were located in Teluk Hading, Tanjung Bunga Subdistrict, East Flores, NTT. This study showed that the suspected filaria W. bancrofti vector in these area were Anopheles aconitus, An. barbirostris, An. maculatus, An. sundaicus, An. subpictus, Cx. quinquefasciatus, Cx. fuscocephalus, Cx. bitaeniorhynchus, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus, and Cx. …