One of the ways to reduce infant mortality rates in by giving exclusive breastfeeding half an hour after giving birth. Breastfeeding only without additional food and drink should be given until the baby reaches the age of 4 months. From the Survey of Health Household 1992 and the Survey of Indonesia Health Demography 1991, mother attitude in giving appropriate breastfeeding and pulverized food/…
The Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey in 1991 and 1994 had collected information on breasfeeding of children born in the last 5 years before the survey. Feeding pattern in the last 24 hours was recorded to identify the presentage of young infants having exclusive of predominant breasfeeding. In genaral the presentage of children under 5 years of age, who ever had been breast feed, has no…
Six months longitudinal abservation infant's morbidity was carried out on the Exclusively Breast-fed (EBF) and Non Exclusively Breast-fed (NEBF) cohorts. Babies born in Kariadi Hospital Semarang with normal birth weight, vigorous, singleton, full term, were included in the study. Those suffering from neonatal infection, jaundice and severe congenital anomaly were exluded. Some potential cofound…