Caries is decease of the teeth caused by the active bacteria on carbohydrate through the fermentation process. There are four (4) factors caused the caries decease: microorganism (plaque), substrate, host and time that working simultaneous. The purpose of this research is to know the correlation between pH plaques with the number of DMF-T in the patient who came for the treatment in Balai Pengo…
chronik Kidney Disease is a situation in which both of our kidney are unable to perform their main functions; in addition, kidney disease is categorized as the disease that does not have clear symptoms especially on its first stadium which continuously goes on and for many years (Erik Tapan , 2004) Commonly, chronic kidney disease patients tend to criticize themselves; hence inability pessimist…
Reaction of children to hospitalize often happened of deduction when conducted action by treatment of the behavior represents reaction. This research aim to know description about children development who had hospitalization at pediatric nursing ward in Tambun General Hospital. This research use descriptive design with population to used are children 2-5 years old. Measuring Instrument to used…
Diabetes Mellitus is it disease, where is body of its patients cannot automatically control sugar rate (glucose) in its blood. Very typical sigh at patient of diabetes mellitus, that is polidipsi, polifagia and downhill body weight swiftly. Other especial sigh is change of status bounce like make-up of dread, change of desire, trouble bounce and depression. This research aim to know level of dr…
Fraktur terbuka yaitu pata tulang yang merusak jaringan kulit, karena adanya hubungan dengan Lingkungan luar potensi terjadinya infeksi. Perioritas tindakan peraatan pada pasien fraktur tulang terbuka adalah mencegah cedera tulang dan jaringan lebih lanjut, menghilangkan nyeri, mencegah komplikasi, melakukan tindakan keperawatan yaitu merawat luka. Metode penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif yang…
Self-medication is any effort to cure one self from illness using medicines, traditional medicines of other means without consulting health professionals. Self-medication is usually taken for mild illness and if whose not helppatients tend to seek medication from community health center. The aims of study were to obtain the proportion and self-medication pattern from outpatients of community h…